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Participant list for CREW-3, Madison/Wisconsin (USA), 2011

1 Ackerman Steve University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif Keynotes passive instruments
2 Baum Bryan University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif MODIS Collection 6 Cloud Top Height and IR Thermodynamic Phase
3 Bennartz Ralf University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif Cloud liquid water path of warm clouds from passive microwave and visible/near-infrared imagers
4 Bojkov Bojan ESA/ESRIN Europe Europe.gif -
5 Borbas Eva University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
6 Botambekov Denis University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
7 Bugliaro Luca DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Germany.gif Realistic Simulations of MSG/SEVIRI Scenes for Cloud Algorithm Validation
8 Carbajal Henken Cintia Free University of Berlin Germany Germany.gif Synergistic MERIS-AATSR cloud properties retrievals using optimal estimation technique
9 Chang Fu-Lung NASA, Science Systems & Applications Inc. USA USA.gif Using CALIPSO/CloudSat Data to Evaluate the Multilayer Cloud Properties Retrieved from MODIS and SEVIRI Data
10 Deneke Hartwig Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Germany Germany.gif Cloud analyses with passive satellite imagery viewed from the radiative perspective
11 Derrien Marcel Météo France France France.gif coauther
12 Dewitte Steven KMI Belgium Belgium.gif Session chair
13 Doelling Dave NASA, Langley USA USA.gif The calibration of geostationary visible sensors using MODIS as a reference
14 Doppler Lionel LATMOS France France.gif -
15 Forster Mike University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
16 Frey Richard University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
17 Hamann Ulrich KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif The CREW workshop: an overview
18 Heck Patrick W. University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif Improved Methods for and Validation of Nighttime Cloud Property Retrievals from SEVIRI, GOES and MODIS
19 Heidinger Andrew NASA, Nesdis USA USA.gif State of the NOAA AWG Cloud Algorithms and their application in the Great Lakes Region
20 Holz Bob University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
21 Horváth Ákos MPI, Hamburg Germany Germany.gif Evaluation of MISR Stereo Cloud-Top Height Retrievals
22 Hünerbein Anja Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Germany Germany.gif Synergetic cloud top height retrieval for a passive and an active sensor
23 Jonkheid Bastiaan KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif A MSG/SEVIRI simulator for the validation of climate models
24 Joro Sauli Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif -
25 Karlsson Karl-Göran SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif Adding uncertainty information to cloud mask products – impact on Level 2 and Level 3 products
26 King Michael University of Colorado USA USA.gif Session chair
27 Kinne Stefan University Hamburg Germany Germany.gif GEWEX Cloud Assessment: a review
28 Kokhanovsky Alexander University of Bremen Germany Germany.gif Retrieval of cloud properties using synthetic datasets
29 Le Gleau Hervé Météo France France France.gif SAFNWC / MSG cloud products
30 Lockhoff Maarit DWD Germany Germany.gif Accuracy Assessment of SEVIRI Cloud Detection and Cloud Top Height Retrievals Using Active Remote Sensing Data from CloudSat and CALIPSO
31 Lutz Hans Joachim Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif Multi-layer cloud detection within the SCE/CLA algorithm
32 Macke Andreas Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Germany Germany.gif Session chair
33 Maddux Brent KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif Modis climatology
34 Marchant Benjamin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA USA.gif Optical Property Cloud Phase Retrievals for MODIS Collection 6: assessment from CALIOP/CALIPSO
35 Meirink Jan-Fokke KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif Using MSG-SEVIRI for the inter-calibration of visible and near-infrared reflectance from polar imagers
36 Menzel Paul University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif Keynote presenter
37 Minnis Patrick NASA, LaRC USA USA.gif Updated NASA Langley Cloud Property Retrievals
38 Moroney Catherine NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA USA.gif -
39 Müller Jennifer Institute for Space Science Germany Germany.gif Integrating Cloud Observations from Ground and Space – a Way to Combine Time and Space Information
40 Musial Jan University of Bern Switzerland Switzerland.gif An Enhanced cloud classification scheme based on radiative transfer simulations and aggregated ratings
41 Nasiri Shaima Texas A&M University, College Station USA USA.gif -
42 Oo Min University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
43 Palikonda Rabindra NASA, Langley USA USA.gif LaRC real-time satellite derived products – Overview: Applications and Limitations
44 Pavolonis Michael NOAA/NESDIS/STAR USA USA.gif Cloud phase determination using infrared absorption optical depth ratios
45 Pincus Robert University of Colorado USA USA.gif Small decisions with big impacts: MODIS, ISCCP, and the evaluation of clouds in climate models
46 Platnick Steven NASA, GSFC USA USA.gif Overview of the MODIS Collection 6 Optical Property Algorithm
MODIS Optical Property Pixel-Level Uncertainty Estimates in Collection 6
47 Preusker Rene Free University Berlin Germany Germany.gif Keynote lecture
48 Puygrenier Vincent Météo France France France.gif A new spectrally consistent adiabatic method to derive cloud properties from MODIS measurement
49 Rausch John University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif Estimation of cloud properties though a spectrally consistent adiabatic model
50 Riedi Jérôme University of Lille 1 France France.gif Intercomparison of liquid cloud properties retrieved from POLDER/PARASOL, MODIS/AQUA and SEVIRI/MSG
Use of A-Train observations to assess cloud phase retrievals from SEVIRI/MSG
51 Roebeling Rob KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif The CREW workshop: an overview
52 Scheirer Ronald SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif Adding uncertainty tbc
53 Sèze Geneviève LMD France France.gif Evaluation of the global cloud cover distribution obtained from multi-geostationary data in the frame of the MEGHA-TROPIQUES mission with CALIPSO lidar observations
54 Smith Nadia University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
55 Smith William L Jr. NASA, Langley USA USA.gif Improved Methods To Resolve The Vertical Distribution Of Cloud Water From Passive Satellite Data
56 Stengel Martin DWD Germany Germany.gif The inter-comparison of retrieved cloud properties within the ESA Cloud CCI project
57 Strabala Kathy University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
58 Thomas Gareth University of Oxford UK UK.gif Application and evaluation of the Oxford-RAL Retrieval of Aerosol and Cloud algorithm to MODIS data
59 Thoss Anke SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif tbc
60 Tobin Dave University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
61 Trepte Qing Science Systems & Application Inc. USA USA.gif A Comparison of Cloud Detection between CERES Ed4 Cloud Mask and CALIPSO Version 3 Vertical Feature Mask
62 Vidot Jerome Météo France France France.gif -
63 Walther Andi University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif Sources of error in satellite derived cloud products
64 Wang Chenxi Texas A&M University USA USA.gif -
65 Watts Philip Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif Progress on optimal estimation cloud property retrieval from SEVIRI observations
66 Weisz Elisabeth University of Wisconsin-Madison USA USA.gif -
67 Wind Gala NASA GSFC / SSAI, Inc USA USA.gif Improvements in Night-time Low Cloud Detection and MODIS-Style Cloud Optical Properties from MSG SEVIRI
68 Winker Dave NASA USA USA.gif Current status Calipso cloud products
69 Wolters Erwin KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif Evaluation of a 30-year NOAA-AVHRR cloud property climate data record
70 Xiong Xianxiong (Jack) NASA GSFC USA USA.gif MODIS Radiometric Calibration and Uncertainty Assessment
71 Zhang Zhibo University of Maryland USA USA.gif An assessment of differences between cloud effective particle radius retrievals for marine water clouds from three MODIS spectral bands: observational and modeling studies

Participant list for CREW-2, Locarno (Switzerland), 2009

Baum Bryan University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Becker Ralf DWD Germany Germany.gif
Bugliaro Luca DLR Germany Germany.gif
Derrien Marcel Météo France France France.gif
Deneke Hartwig KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Devasthale Abhay SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Dybbroe Adam SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Emili Emanuele University Bern Switzerland Switzerland.gif
Fischer Jürgen FU Berlin Germany Germany.gif
Genevičve Sčze LMD France France.gif
Fontana Fabio University Bern Switzerland Switzerland.gif
Francis Pete UK MetOffice UK UK.gif
Giunta Igor MeteoSwiss Switzerland Switzerland.gif
Genkova Iliana ECMWF Europe Europe.gif
Heidinger Andrew University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Hocking James UK MetOffice UK UK.gif
Hollmann Rainer DWD Germany Germany.gif
Huenerbein Anja FU Berlin Germany Germany.gif
Ipe Alessandro Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Belgium Belgium.gif
Jonkheid Bastiaan KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Joro Sauli Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Kinne Stefan University Hamburg Germany Germany.gif
Kokhanovski Alexander University Bremen Germany Germany.gif
Lutz Hans Joachim Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Legleau Herve Météo France France France.gif
Lockhoff Maarit DWD Germany Germany.gif
Macke Andreas University Kiel Germany Germany.gif
Meirink Jan Focke KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Minnis Patrick Nasa, LARC USA USA.gif
Pandey Praveen Flemish Institue for Technological Research Belgium Belgium.gif
Placidi Simone TU Delft Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Platnick Steve NASA, GSFC USA USA.gif
Popp Christoph University Bern Switzerland Switzerland.gif
Preusker Rene FU Berlin Germany Germany.gif
Riedi Jerome University of Lille 1 France France.gif
Roebeling Rob KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Scheirer Ronald SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Stubenrauch Claudia LMD France France.gif
Thoss Anke SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Watts Philip Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Walther Andi University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Wolters Erwin KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Wunderle Stefan University Bern Switzerland Switzerland.gif

Participant list for CREW-1, Norrköping (Sweden), 2006

Baum Bryan SSEC, Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Derrien Marcel Météo-France France France.gif
de Ruyter Martijn MeteoSwiss Switzerland Switzerland.gif
de Valk Paul KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Francis Peter Met Office UK UK.gif
Heidinger Andy SSEC, Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Hultgren Pia Swedish Air Force Sweden Sweden.gif
Ipe Alessandro Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Belgium Belgium.gif
Joro Sauli Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Karlsson Karl-Göran SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Lavanant Lydie Météo-France France France.gif
Le Gleau Hervé Météo-France France France.gif
Lutz Hans-Joachim Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Melfi Davide MeteoAM Italy Italy.gif
Reuter Maximilian DWD Germany Germany.gif
Roebeling Rob KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Scheirer Ronald SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Stengel Martin SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Taylor Ruth Met Office UK UK.gif
Thoss Anke SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Walther Andi FU-Berlin UK UK.gif
Watts Philip Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Willén Ulrika SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif

Mailing list

The mailing list shows the persons that receive announcements, invitations, and newsletters related to CREW. Persons or institutes that are active cloud remote sensing research are welcome to contact us for inclusion on the mailing list. Hereto, please send an e-mail to Ulrich Hamann.

Ackerman Steve University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Baum Bryan University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Becker Ralf. DWD Germany Germany.gif
Bennartz Ralf University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Bovensmann Heinrich University of Bremen Germany Germany.gif
Bugliaro Luca DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Germany.gif
Bühler Stefan TU Luleå Sweden Sweden.gif
Carbajal Cintia Free University of Berlin Germany Germany.gif
Delanoë* Julien Observations Spatiales, CNRS France France.gif
Deneke Hartwig Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Germany Germany.gif
Derrien Marcel Meteo France France France.gif
de Valk Paul KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Devasthale Abhay SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Dewitte Steven Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Belgium Belgium.gif
Dybbroe Adam SHMI Sweden Sweden.gif
Faure Francoise DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Germany.gif
Fischer Juergen Free University of Berlin Germany Germany.gif
Francis Pete UK Met Office UK UK.gif
Giunta Igor Meteo Swiss Switzerland Switzerland.gif
Greuell Wouter KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Heidinger Andrew University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Hocking James UK Met Office UK UK.gif
Hollmann Rainer DWD Germany Germany.gif
Holmlund Kenneth Eumetsat Germany Germany.gif
Huenerbein Anja Free University of Berlin Germany Germany.gif
Ipe Alessandro Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Belgium Belgium.gif
Jonkheid Bastiaan KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Joro Sauli Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Karlsson Karl-Goran SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
King Michael D. Nasa USA USA.gif
Kinne Stefan University Hamburg Germany Germany.gif
Koenig Marianne Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Kokhanovsky Alexander University of Bremen Germany Germany.gif
Le Gleau Hervé Meteo France France France.gif
Lockhoff Maarit DWD Germany Germany.gif
Lutz Hans Joachim Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Macke Andreas Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Germany Germany.gif
Mannstein Hermann DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Germany.gif
Mayer Bernhard DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Germany.gif
Meirink Jan-Fokke KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Merchant Chris University of Edinburgh UK UK.gif
Minnis Patrick NASA Langley Research Center USA USA.gif
Placidi Simone TU Delft Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Platnick Steven NASA GSFC USA USA.gif
Poulsen Caroline Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire UK UK.gif
Praveen Pandey Flemish Institue for Technological Research Belgium Belgium.gif
Preusker Rene Free University of Berlin Germany Germany.gif
Riedi Jerome University of Lille 1 France France.gif
Roebeling Rob KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Rosenfeld Daniel The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Israel.gif
Rossow William B. City University of New York USA USA.gif
Scheirer Ronald SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Seiz Gabriela Meteo Swiss Switzerland Switzerland.gif
Seze Genevieve LMD France France.gif
Stengel Martin DWD Germany Germany.gif
Stephens Graeme Colorado State University USA USA.gif
Stubenrauch Claudia LMD France France.gif
Tetzlaff Anke SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Thomas Gareth Oxford University UK UK.gif
Thoss Anke SMHI Sweden Sweden.gif
Tselioudis George NASA GISS USA USA.gif
Van Lipzig Nicole Katholic University of Leuven Belgium Belgium.gif
Walther Andi University of Wisconsin USA USA.gif
Watts Philip Eumetsat Europe Europe.gif
Wolters Erwin KNMI Netherlands Netherlands.gif
Winker Dave NASA USA USA.gif
Zhang Zhibo NASA GSFC USA USA.gif
Zinner Tobias DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Germany Germany.gif