Summary of Megha-Tropiques geolocation anomalies
For information, here is a summary of the dates for which there is a probability of Megha-Tropiques geolocation anomalies, not detectable via quality flags.
Method reminder :
Based on the existence of peaks in the assimilation data from SAPHIR at Météo-France, statistical monitoring has been set up on the CNES side to determine dates with the possible presence of geolocation anomalies. These analyses are elaborated by checking the deviation of these peaks from the mean and also by taking into account how these abnormal values are distributed temporally.
To simplify, 3 “states”, based on 3 arbitrary percentage values (20-50-100%), have been determined to qualify the presence of geolocation anomalies in the dates mentioned:
20%=possible/ 50%=probable/100%=quasi-sure (in terms of probability, we would be on medium/strong/very strong).