The main SODA products are the SODA_AOD which contains the Optical Depth retrievals at 333m, the SODA_AOD-5km with retrievals at 5km classified by cloud or aerosol scenes and the level 3 monthly means. However, several intermediate RADAR/LIDAR intercalibration products are also produced.
This is the first intermediate SODA product. It contains the monthly based RADAR/LIDAR intercalibration coefficients based on night orbits only
It introduces latitudinal calibration correction coefficients for day and night orbits. It manages the variations of the intercalibration along the latitudes.
The optical depths retrieved at 333m, based on the Level 1 CALIOP resolution.
File Naming Convention
<Version> | A 3 digits dot separated version number as X.X.X |
<Orbit-Timestamp> | The timestamp of the orbit, using the CALIPSO format YYYY-MM-SSTHH-MM-SSZ[DN] |
<Year> | The year, on 4 digits |
<Month> | The month, on 2 digits starting from « 01 » |
<Day/Night-Flag> | A D or N character that tells if the processed orbits are Day or Night ones |
<Scenes-ID> | Type of scenes processed. Sc_All means no scenes filtering |
Name | Description | Unit | Type | Fill | Misc |
CPR_Intercalibration_Coefficient | RADAR Intercalibration Coefficient | None | float64 | RADAR to LIDAR Intercalibration coefficient | |
CALIOP_Intercalibration_Coefficient_532 | LIDAR Intercalibration Coefficient | None | float64 | LIDAR to RADAR Intercalibration coefficient | |
RADAR_LIDAR_Intercalibration_Coefficient | CPR/CALIOP Intercalibration Coefficients | None | float64 | CPR RADAR/CALIOP LIDAR Intercalibration Coefficients, issued of a polynomial fit |
Name | Description | Unit | Type | Fill | Misc |
CAL532_Lat_Coef | CALIOP 532nm Latitudinal Calibration Correction Coefficient, reference is provided by the CPR | TBD | float64 | Base of CALIOP ocean calibration | |
CAL1064_Lat_Coef | CALIOP 1064nm Latitudinal Calibration Correction Coefficient, reference is provided by the CPR | TBD | float64 | Base of CALIOP ocean calibration | |
CAL532_AMSR_Lat_Coef | CALIOP 532nm Latitudinal Calibration Correction Coefficient, reference is provided by AMSR-E | None | float64 | TBD | |
CAL1064_AMSR_Lat_Coef | CALIOP 1064nm Latitudinal Calibration Correction Coefficient, reference is provided by AMSR-E | None | float64 | TBD | |
CAL532_1064_Lat_Coef | CALIOP 532nm vs 1064nm color ratio Latitudinal dependencies | None | float64 | TBD | |
CAL_CPR_Lat_Coef | CPR and AMSR-E Latitudinal relative dependencies | None | float64 | TBD |
Name | Description | Unit | Type | Fill | Misc |
Latitude | Latitude | degrees | float32 | ||
Longitude | Longitude | degrees | float32 | ||
TAI_Time | TAI time, using the TAI93 convention | seconds | float64 | Number of seconds since the 1993/01/01 at 00:00:00 | |
Total_Attenuated_Cross_Section_532 | Total Attenuated Lidar sea surface scatterring cross section at 532nm | sr-1 | float32 | NaN | |
Attenuated_Cross_Section_1064 | Attenuated Lidar sea surface scatterring cross section at 1064nm | sr-1 | float32 | NaN | |
Perpendicular_Attenuated_Cross_Section_532 | Perpendicular Attenuated Lidar sea surface scatterring cross section at 532nm | sr-1 | float32 | NaN | |
CPR_Attenuated_Cross_Section | CPR Attenuated Radar sea surface scatterring cross section | sr-1 | float32 | NaN | |
AMSR_E_Surface_Wind_Speed | Wind speed 10 meters above the water surface | m.s-1 | float32 | 254.0 | Extracted from RSS AMSR-E Ocean Products. 0 to 250 = valid geophysical data 251 = missing sst or wind speed due to sun glint; missing sst or wind speed near sea ice; missing sst or wind speed due to rain; missing water vapor due to heavy rain; missing sst due to high wind speed (> 20 m/s); missing any due to land proximity 252 = sea ice 253 = observations exist, but are bad (not used in composite maps) 254 = no observations 255 = land mass |
AMSR_E_Atmospheric_Water_Vapor | Total gaseous water contained in a vertical column of atmosphere | mm | float32 | 254.0 | Extracted from RSS AMSR-E Ocean Products. 0 to 250 = valid geophysical data 251 = missing sst or wind speed due to sun glint; missing sst or wind speed near sea ice; missing sst or wind speed due to rain; missing water vapor due to heavy rain; missing sst due to high wind speed (> 20 m/s); missing any due to land proximity 252 = sea ice 253 = observations exist, but are bad (not used in composite maps) 254 = no observations 255 = land mass |
AMSR_E_Sea_Surface_Temperature | Temperature of the top layer (skin) of water approximately 1 milimeter thick | Celsius degrees | float32 | 254.0 | Extracted from RSS AMSR-E Ocean Products. 0 to 250 = valid geophysical data 251 = missing sst or wind speed due to sun glint; missing sst or wind speed near sea ice; missing sst or wind speed due to rain; missing water vapor due to heavy rain; missing sst due to high wind speed (> 20 m/s); missing any due to land proximity 252 = sea ice 253 = observations exist, but are bad (not used in composite maps) 254 = no observations 255 = land mass |
GMAO_Ozone | Ozone number density from GMAO | molecules per cubic meter | float32 | 1.e+15 | Read in CALIOP L1 product |
GMAO_Pressure | Pressure from GMAO | millibars | float32 | 1.e+15 | Read in CALIOP L1 product |
GMAO_Temperature | Temperature from GMAO | Celsius degrees | float32 | 1.e+15 | Read in CALIOP L1 product |
Optical_Depth_CPR_CAL532 | Aerosols Optical Depth over the ocean, retrieved from CPR/CALIOP at 532nm, shot to shot CALIOP resolution retrieval | None | int16 | -32768 | |
Optical_Depth_CPR_CAL1064 | Aerosols Optical Depth over the ocean, retrieved from CPR/CALIOP at 1064nm, shot to shot CALIOP resolution retrieval | None | int16 | -32768 | |
Optical_Depth_AMSR_CAL532 | Aerosols Optical Depth over the ocean, retrieved from AMSR-E/CALIOP at 532nm, shot to shot CALIOP resolution retrieval | None | int16 | -32768 | |
Optical_Depth_AMSR_CAL1064 | Aerosols Optical Depth over the ocean, retrieved from AMSR-E/CALIOP at 1064nm, shot to shot CALIOP resolution retrieval | None | int16 | -32768 | |
Optical_Depth_MODIS_550 | Aerosols Optical Depth over the ocean, retrieved from MODIS at 550nm, 10 km retrieval interpolated on the shot to shot CALIOP resolution | None | int16 | -32768 | |
Optical_Depth_MODIS_1064 | Aerosols Optical Depth over the ocean, retrieved from MODIS at 1064nm, 10 km retrieval interpolated on the shot to shot CALIOP resolution | None | int16 | -32768 | |
Scene_Flags | Scene Description Flags | None | uint8 | 0 | Flags describing how the scene have been selected for inversion. Bits are numbered from right to left using a little endian coding 0 : water bodies 1 : Backscatter centroid is near the surface 2 : Surface signal is under a defined saturation threshold |
Feature_Classification_Flags | Feature Classification Flags. At this time, only clear sky scenes are identified. | None | uint16 | 0 | Flags describing identified aerosols or cloud features. Bits are numbered from right to left using a little endian coding 0 : clear sky |
Optical_Depth_QA_Factor | Optical depth retrieval quality assurance factor. NOT SET YET | None | uint8 | 255 | 0->very uncertain ; 100->very confident |
Some of the variables are calibrated to an integer format for saving disk space. For every variables, you will find 2 standard SDS attributes called « scale_factor » and « add_offset ». Most of time, the standard HDF formula for scaling raw file values to physical ones is used :
science_value = ( raw_file_value – add_offset ) * scale_factor
Product | Download |
RADAR/LIDAR Intercalibration Coefficients of Aug. 2007 | SODA_Month-Calibration-Coef_v1.2.3_2007-08.hdf |
Product | Download |
Night orbits latitudinal recalibration correction of Aug. 2007 | SODA_DN-Recalibration-Coef_v1.2.3_2007-08_N.hdf |
Day orbits latitudinal recalibration correction of Aug. 2007 | SODA_DN-Recalibration-Coef_v1.2.3_2007-08_D.hdf |
Product | Download |
333m Aerosols Optical Depth of Night Orbit starting on Aug. 01 2007 at 00:10:17 UTC | SODA_AOD_v1.2.3_2007-08-01T00-10-17ZN.hdf |
333m Aerosols Optical Depth of Day Orbit starting on Aug. 01 2007 at 00:56:47 UTC | SODA_AOD_v1.2.3_2007-08-01T00-56-47ZD.hdf |