This project aims at building and distributing a cloud properties dataset derived from the SEVIRI instrument series using algorithms that have been historically developped for the processing of MODIS data. Currently the SEVIRI SEV06-CLD beta product is made available for evaluation purposes only.
SEV06-CLD uses MODIS-like algorithms for cloud optical and microphysical property retrievals, and a modified GOES-R Algorithm Working Group (AWG) algorithm for cloud-top temperature and pressure. Cloud masking is obtained from the Météo France Satellite Application Facility for supporting NoWCasting (SAFNWC) software package.

The SEV06-CLD datasets share a common retrieval core with the Collection 6 MODIS Level-2 cloud product (product names MOD06_L2 and MYD06_L2 for MODIS Terra and Aqua, respectively). The core cloud optical property code is equivalent to that used in the MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) PGE06 v6.0.78 production version. Optical properties, pixel-level uncertainties and QA assignments are provided in the same exact fashion and via the same code base as the archived MODIS product. Existing user MOD06 optical property visualization and analysis codes are largely expected to work with SEV06-CLD files.

As discussed more extensively in the product section, this beta release of SEV06-CLD product has not been extensively validated and is being provided for evaluation purposes only. It is therefore requested that any issues with this product be promptly reported as it will help diagnose undetected problems and eventually result in a faster release of science quality products.

Figure 1: Internal processing chain for the CHIMAERA MODIS (blue boxes) and SEVIRI (green boxes) cloud optical and cloud-top properties products.