Public release of Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR and ScaRaB Level-2 products Update on Level-1 products and MADRAS status October 2013
- SAPHIR L2-UTH: Upper Tropospheric Relative Humidity from SAPHIR
- ScaRaB L2-FLUX: Top-of-the-Atmosphere shortwave and longwave unfiltered Radiances, Flux and Albedo products
- ScaRaB L2B-FLUX: 1-degree gridded version of the L2-FLUX shortwave and longwave Flux and Albedo products
Concerning the Level-1 products, the mission group has decided that orbit-wise products require further evaluation and should no longer be distributed to the public until further notice. The segment-wise Level-1 products are available in version 1.06.
Concerning MADRAS, ISRO and CNES announced in a joint communiqué in September 2013 that the MADRAS instrument has been declared non-operational. As of January 26, 2013, MADRAS Level-1 data is not valid and will not be disseminated to users. The 16-month archive of valid data (from launch to January 26, 2013) are currently restricted to the Science Team members and to other accredited users. MADRAS data are expected to be released in 2014.