POLDER/PARASOL full reprocessing and new multi-sensor synergistic products – April 2017
At the end of the PARASOL mission, CNES completed the final reprocessing
of Level-1 data in 2014.
ICARE completed the reprocessing of the PARASOL Level-2 and Level-3
products in 2015, using revised science codes as well as new codes
provided by the French science team at LOA (University of Lille).
In addition to the HDF5 version of the products, released in 2016,
global gridded Level-2 and Level-3 products are also available now in
HDF5 format.
The Level-2 and Level-3 products are generated from the Level-1 data
alone or in combination with other data sets.
PARASOL stand-alone products include the Level-2 and Level-3 data sets
and the PARASOL “CALTRACK” product (subset colocated with the
More recently, an innovative algorithm, called “GRASP” (Generalized
Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties), has been developed to
retrieve simultaneously many more parameters compared to the standard
Finally, the unique synergistic “PM-L2” Level-2 product is derived from
combined PARASOL and Aqua/MODIS observations.
+ Information regarding the mission and products in the POLDER/PARASOL pages
+ Information regarding POLDER/PARASOL reprocessing in the News and events section