PARASOL Level-1 and Level-2 data reprocessing underway September 2014
The PARASOL Level-1 data and all atmosphere products are currently
being reprocessed from the beginning of the mission onward using revised
algorithms. The Level-1 reprocessing, performed by CNES, began in April
2014 and new files are transferred to ICARE for Level-2-and-up products
reprocessing. As of September 1, 2014, PARASOL data from March 2005 to
mid-2008 are available at ICARE. The reprocessing of the whole PARASOL
archive (until October 2013) is expected to be completed by the end of 2014.
Changes to the Level-1 algorithm include improved radiometric
calibration. For aerosol products over ocean, changes include the
calculation of uncertainties, improvement of aerosol non-spherical
models and cloud mask, and the implementation of a sea-ice mask. Over
land, changes include the use of a higher resolution land biome map and
the retrieval of the altitude of the aerosol layer. For cloud and
radiative budget products, the solar irradiance was updated.
Data services related to PARASOL will switch to the latest version of all products (L1_B.v03.02, OC2.v11.11, LS2.v10.11) when the reprocessing is complete.