Evaluation Dataset for Passive Imager Retrievals

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Providing data for the Common Database

The evaluation of passive imager cloud properties retrievals is part of the CREW. Hereto, a Common Database of cloud retrievals from different algorithms is build, which will be filled with retrievals of the different data providers. Below you will find relevant information for uploading your cloud retrievals to the common database. Note: the selected Golden Days are similar to those selected for CREW-2. Thus, providers that already have provided their data for CREW-2, and that do not want to update their datasets or add new ones, do not need to upload their datasets again.

We have selected five Golden Days that are listed in Table 1. During several hours of the selected Golden Days the A-Train satellites aligned with AVHRR on-board NOAA-18. Our evaluation study will focus on these hours. However, we encourage the data providers to upload their datasets of the five Golden Days for the full 24 hrs. The study area is restricted to the SEVIRI full disk. The following data are desired for the Common Database:

  • SEVIRI 15 minute data of the MSG disk preferably covering the full 24 hrs during the golden days (5x24hrs);
  • MODIS swath data covering the MSG disk preferably covering the full 24 hrs during the golden days (5x24hrs);
  • AVHRR swath data covering the MSG disk during the hours where NOAA-18 was aligned with the A-Train satellites
  • Other instruments (MERIS/POLDER/..) preferably covering the full 24 hrs during the golden days (5x24hrs).

You can upload your data to the Common Database till 31 May 2011 through the FTP server at ICARE, which is assessable for CREW members after registration.

Table 1: Golden Days that have been selected for the (inter)comparison

Day Month Year Hours with alignment between A-Train and NOAA-18
13 June 2008 12:00-15:30
17 June 2008 22:15-24:00
18 June 2008 00:00-01:45
22 June 2008 10:30-12:15
03 July 2008 10:00-12:00

Table 2: Cloud Parameters that have been selected for the (inter)comparison

Acronym Cloud Parameter
cm cloud mask
cph cloud phase
ctt cloud top temperature
ctp cloud top pressure
cth cloud top height
cod cloud optical depth
ref effective radius
lwp liquid water path
iwp ice water path