Data extract tool

The interface is designed to extract ground-based observations (from AERONET or EARLINET) coincident with satellite data. Users can select one or several satellite products, a time period and adjust the intersection radius. All satellite observations within the specified radius around each site and time period will be extracted.
Data extract

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Product average tool

ICARE developed a web interface to average aerosol, cloud, precipitation products over a user-defined time-period and a region of interest. The time range can vary from one day to multi-year, and monthly, seasonal and inter-seasonal (DJF-MAM-JJA-SON) periods are also supported. Product average


Overpass predictor

ICARE developed a user-friendly web interface to help users identify overpass time over a user-defined time-period and visualize satellite subtracks over a given geographic location.Overpass Predictor


Megha-Tropiques browse interface

ICARE developed a web interface to visualize Megha-Tropiques browse imagery associated with SAPHIR and ScaRaB “Orbit” L1A2 products. Browse images are created at native resolution for the whole data archive. Megha-Tropiques

