Correlation Matcher: Correlation graphics

Language/Format: Python
Application type(s): Analysis
Related project(s):


This page contains the code of a tool for giving informations on correlations between two variables or two images.

Usage  --f1 or --filename1 filename --f2 or --filename2 filename --s1 or --sds1 sds_name --s2 or --sds2 sds_name [OPTIONS]
   --f1 or --filename1 : for the first HDF directory and file name. [REQUIRED]
   --f2 or --filename2 : for the second HDF directory and file name. If this option is omitted then the application  [REQUIRED]
   --s1 or --sds1 : is the first variables SDS name. [REQUIRED]
   --s2 or --sds2 : is the second variables SDS name. [REQUIRED] –i1 or –image1 filename –i2 or –image2 filename [OPTIONS]

   --i1 or --image1  : the directory and file of the first image. [REQUIRED]
   --i2 or --image2  : the directory and file of the second image. [REQUIRED]


   --min1 : minimum of the palette of image one. (default value 0.0) [OPTIONAL]
   --max1 : maximum of the palette of image one. (default value 100.0) [OPTIONAL]
   --min2 : minimum of the palette of image two. (default value 0.0) [OPTIONAL]
   --max2 : maximum of the palette of image two. (default value 100.0) [OPTIONAL]
   --xvmin : the minimum of the X values. [OPTIONAL]
   --xvmax : the maximum of the X values. [OPTIONAL]
   --yvmin : the minimum of the Y values. [OPTIONAL]
   --yvmax : the maximum of the Y values. [OPTIONAL]
   --xamin : the minimum of the X axe. [OPTIONAL]
   --xamax : the maximum of the X axe. [OPTIONAL]
   --yamin : the minimum of the Y axe. [OPTIONAL]
   --yamax : the maximum of the Y axe. [OPTIONAL]
   -p or --plot : Scatter plot. [OPTIONAL]
   -d or --density : Hight resolution density distribution. [OPTIONAL]
   -f or --fdensity : Low resolution density distribution. [OPTIONAL]
   -s or --small : Small dots if scatter plot. [OPTIONAL]
   -c or --col : Color of the dots in a scatter plot (red/blue/green/yellow/black). [OPTIONAL]


Sources can be downloaded here : here.


To execute the tool type :

> python [OPTIONS]


First, set the paths to the Python 2.6 library by defining the environment variables

  • PYTHONPATH=<python-2.6-includes-directory> , where <python-2.6-includes-directory> contains the Python 2.6 library includes.

If you are using the bash shell, this can be done via the export command :

> export PYTHONPATH=<python-2.6-includes-directory>

Of course, replace <python-2.6-includes-directory> by the real pathes on your system.


Copyright (C) 2010 Icare – ICARE web site

James Manley

This program is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the CeCILL Public License as published by (License version 2 or later).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the CeCILL Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the CeCILL Public License along with this program; if not, please contact

For any questions or concerns regarding this program, or general information about the ICARE Project, please email to

Author(s): James Manley (ICARE)

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Application type(s): Data Conversion, Data Read/Write
Related project(s):
This tool is a reading Python software for SSMI binary files consisting in some headers followed by records with the same pattern (Headers and record patterns are described in text files: ./conf/).
Datasets are returned as Numpy arrays and write in HDF4 file.
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