New GEORING Day-night imagery product available at AERIS/ICARE
ICARE is pleased to announce the first release of its new GEORING day-night imagery product. The GEORING imagery is currently generated at hourly resolution using a combination of data from the constellation of 5 geostationary meteorological satellites.
The short video below illustrates 3 days of GEORING imagery from February 9th to February 11th 2023. The same imagery is used to provide a 5 days animation updated every day for the GEOVIEW-3D app.
Discover this new product and all other geostationary products distributed by AERIS/ICARE through our GEOVIEW-Dataviz and GEOVIEW-3D visualization applications or directly at
As for all other products and data distributed by AERIS/ICARE, the archive of geostationary level-1 data and derived products is also directly available under: