Workshop announcement: International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project - Next Generation EUMETSAT, 28-30 October 2019 (invitation only)
The workshop will be held to discuss priorities for the future direction of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project – Next Generation (ISCCP-NG). The Earth observing capabilities from geostationary orbit have advanced substantially over recent years. With the launch of GOES-17 in 2018, the global geostationary constellation is now comprised of sensors with 10 or more channels, viewing the earth at sub-hourly time scales and with resolutions finer than 5 km. With the launch of Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) in 2021, the global geostationary constellation will have 10 common spectral channels. There is a clear need to exploit this new Earth observing capability. The primary goal of the workshop is to define the scientific scope and the technical contents and methods needed for ISCCP-NG.
The registration deadline is September 30, 2019.