1st announcement 3rd International A-Train Symposium 19-21 April 2017, Pasadena, California
For over a decade, the A-Train Constellation has successfully collected a
uniquely comprehensive environmental data set. The 3rd International
A-Train Symposium will be an opportunity to learn and exchange
information about A-Train scientific breakthroughs and to highlight how
Earth science has benefited from the long, continuous, multi-sensor data
set. The 3rd Symposium follows on previous A-Train Symposia held in
Lille, France in 2007 and in New Orleans in 2010.
To see the official first circular, click here.
Additional information regarding the meeting, as well as on-line
registration and abstract submission form, will be available at the
following web site: https://espo.nasa.gov/a-train_2017. Another notice
will be sent when registration and abstract submission are open.